Love & Strawberries

A beautiful and naturally hand tied bouquet of red roses with a touch of Gypsophila flowers and scented white chocolate-covered strawberries. Ideal for dazzling on Birthdays, Mother's Day, Anniversaries and beyond. The bouquet is carefully wrapped with our special packaging and the strawberries are placed in a small box. You can add your personal message to accompany your beautiful flower bouquet.

Number of Roses: 16+

Number of Strawberries: 4

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Beautifully presented fresh pink roses with a touch of gypsophila flowers, carefully arranged in a handcrafted hatbox and satin ribbon with the same colour as the roses. The box is lovingly wrapped with a white tulle to protect the flowers when being delivered.
Number of Roses: 16+

Blooming & Strawberries

A beautiful and naturally hand tied bouquet of coral colour roses with a touch of Gypsophila flowers and scented white chocolate-covered strawberries. Ideal for dazzling on Birthdays, Mother's Day, Anniversaries and beyond. The bouquet is carefully wrapped with our special packaging and the strawberries are placed in a small box. You can add your personal message to accompany your beautiful flower bouquet.

Number of Roses: 16-18

Number of Strawberries: 4

Pink Promise & Strawberries

A beautiful and naturally hand tied bouquet of pink roses with a touch of Gypsophila flowers and scented white chocolate- covered strawberries. Ideal for dazzling on Birthdays, Mother's Day, Anniversaries and beyond. The bouquet is carefully wrapped with our special packaging. You can add your personal message to accompany your beautiful flower bouquet.

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Number of Strawberries: 4


Beautifully presented fresh lively red roses with a touch of gypsophila flowers, carefully arranged in a stylish handcrafted hatbox and satin ribbon with the same colour as the roses. The box is lovingly wrapped with a white tulle to protect the flowers when being delivered.
Number of Roses: Minimum 10 (Due to red roses size)